In Support of Richard Stallman

Normalizing Truth, Reason, Justice

This website refutes many of the invalid accusations against Richard Stallman that were used to cancel him. It's the result of careful research from a rational and objective standpoint. It shows the truth, backed by the testimony of conscientious and thoughtful people. We invite you to explore it and join our efforts to give Stallman's visionary voice in the free software movement the space it deserves.

People are adding to their email signatures, social media profiles, etc. Great! Let's take it to the next level and get together to Help the GNU Project!


New additions or modifications to the website will be listed here. Stay tuned!
You can also subscribe to our RSS Feed

  • October 9, 2024
    • In light of further research and new information we've got, we have updated the “ Suicide” entry in the debunking page.
    • We made some minor, mostly cosmetic changes in that page too.
  • March 18, 2024
    In celebration of RMS's birthday, we've been playing a bit.
    • We extracted some quotes from the various articles, comments, letters, writings, etc. and put them in the form of a slideshow in the home page.
    • We also put all the slides in a dedicated page.
    • While at it, we added some whois info about the various people, for the curious but too lazy to go search, following the links might be easier.
    We had fun, hope you will too. Thanks!
  • February 23, 2024
    Bonnie B. Dalzell sent us a message to tell us more about herself, MIT and Richard Stallman in the mid 1970s (this is in addition to another comment she had posted elsewhere).
  • January 31, 2024
    A letter to Selam Jie Gano in response to her (in)famous blog post.
  • January 30, 2024
    We had forgotten to include Thomas Lord's statements. Our inattention is too bad to be justified. Thomas was a former FSF's employee from the early 90s. RIP, Thomas.
  • December 12, 2023
    Changed the id value in the Basilio meme from #calumny to #Basilio. It may come handy as a hashtag to name Basilio's advocates and connoisseurs of the Basilian infallible method. #Basilio.
  • December 11, 2023
    Added a meme with the lyrics of the aria “La calunnia è un venticello” (“Calumny is a little breeze”) from Rossini's opera buffa The Barber of Seville. As buffa and à la mode as it can be.
  • November 28, 2023
    Various changes (thanks everyone!):
    • Replaced the word “Dialogue” with “Justice” in the header.
    • Replaced the top banner about the support letter with one that states the purpose of the website.
    • Moved the dedication notice from the homepage to the About page. Other minor changes in that page.
    • Considerably rewrote the homepage.
    • Added an item about the Virgin of Emacs in the debunk page. Other minor changes in that page.
    • In the debunk page, asked readers whether we should include information about the accusers.
    • Added some information in the introduction of Commitment to social justice.
  • November 03, 2023
    Added a link to an article by Lubos Rendek. Written after attending Stallman's speech in the capital city of the Czech Republic on October 1, 2023. Reflections on Stallman's steadfast and continued work towards software freedom, justice, and truth despite a critical health condition.
  • November 01, 2023
    Added a Message of Encouragement – Remembering The Good Old Times from Eve Diana.
  • June 23, 2023
    Richard Stallman has a new pleasure card.
  • June 11, 2023
    Chrystalleni Loizidou from Cyprus calls the community to ignore defamation campaigns and engage instead in “wise, kind and meaningful activism.”
  • May 28, 2023
    Someone suggested we should improve the debunking about the pleasure card, so we did.
  • May 04, 2023
    Added a message of support by Javier González.
  • May 03, 2023
    Added RSS Feed.
  • May 01, 2023
    Added a link to another article by Sylvia Paull published in an external website.
  • April 21, 2023
    • Added some posts from RMS's website that provide evidence he is not transphobic.
    • Updated a paragraph in the home page to say it's no longer possible to sign the support letter. Those who want to show support can send us comments, articles, testimonies, references, for us to publish.
  • April 20, 2023
    Added a comment of support from a transgender person.
  • April 15, 2023
    • Added a couple of notes. One to say all articles of support in this website are by women, and prompt men and other genders to send us their writings. Another to acknowledge support received by women who did not want their names to be published.
    • Replaced the word "Articles" with "Voices" in titles and Table of Contents and some titles.
    • Cosmetic changes (banner, colors).
  • June 24, 2022
    Added a letter in support of Richard Stallman by Francisca Pacheco López.
  • March 31, 2022
    Added a link to an article by Laura Kipnis about snitches in academia.
  • March 20, 2022
    Added a Happy Birthday Card for RMS made by Adrienne G. Thompson.
  • March 3, 2022
    Added a new page about some messages and a letter sent to us by Ukrainians from bomb shelters.
  • January 19, 2022
    Update the banner about the letter of support to say the repo has been archived and signatures are no longer accepted. The repo closed with a total of 6,876 signatures.
  • October 25, 2021
    Added a testimony in defense of Richard Stallman by Beatriz Busaniche.
  • October 3, 2021
    Added a link to an article on The Atlantic about mob justice today by the “new puritans.”
  • September 29, 2021
    • New page, Welcome Back, Richard Stallman. Ukrainians welcome RMS back to in-person speeches and to the Board of Directors of the FSF (videos).
    • Added a comment by someone who attended Stallman's speech in Ukraine on Sept 18, 2021.
  • September 26, 2021
    Added an email sent to the Debian developers' mailing list about how RMS was labeled “ableist” because of his opinion on prenatal diagnosis.
  • September 25, 2021
    Added Japanese translation of Wilcox's Ritual Defamation.
  • August 27, 2021
    Reworded the introductory paragraph at Debunking False Accusations Against Richard Stallman.
  • June 21, 2021
    Added a link to an article by renowned author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in which she explains how she was shunned on Twitter by her own friend.
  • June 04, 2021
    Added Russian translation of Wilcox's Ritual Defamation.
  • May 26, 2021
    Added instructions to sign the letter in support of RMS without GitHub, mainly for non technical people.
  • May 18, 2021
    Added a link to another article by Dave Winer, this one written more recently. Pleading for Stallman.
  • May 13, 2021
    Added a reference to a tweet about RMS handing over a “stuffed animal” to a woman inside the elevator, under Running Jokes in the debunking page.
  • May 8, 2021
    Added the cover of the book by Marge Piercy, along with snippets from the book that show the use of the genderless pronouns person, per, and pers in the novel. Claim #7.
  • May 6, 2021
    Added an email sent to the LibrePlanet mailing list about how cultural background influences verbal communication styles.
  • May 3, 2021
  • May 1st, 2021
    • Added a picture of RMS kneeling down to reach a handicapped student in Claim #6, “Richard Stallman is an ableist”.
    • Added a quote by RMS in Who is Richard Stallman about why he quit his job at MIT in 1984.
  • April 30, 2021
    Added two links under External Related Articles:
  • April 27, 2021
    Added a new page to publish various testimonies, letters, writings, and more, that readers send us.
  • April 26, 2021
  • April 25, 2021
    Added a meme that shows RMS in the Middle Ages about to be stoned. Thanks to Predrag from the Libre Computer Club in Norway (
  • April 23, 2021
    Added Claim #6 and Claim #7 (plus minor, mostly cosmetic changes) in Debunking False Accusations Against Richard Stallman.
  • April 20, 2021
    Added a link to the excellent short article by Laird Wilcox on The Practice of Ritual Defamation.
  • April 19, 2021
    Added a call to help the GNU Project in the top banner in the home page.
  • April 18, 2021
    • Published new article by Margarita Lacabe.
    • Added a meme that shows the various defamatory headlines (thanks to reader Chloe93 for this awesome meme!)
    • Added a link to the defamation meme in the home page.
    • Added a link to Dave Winer's article.
    • Added a notice to mention that people are adding to their email signatures, social media profiles, etc.
  • April 13, 2021
    • Added new article by Karrie Peterson.
    • Added item 5 under Claim #5 about the pleasure card.
    • Re-arranged the paragraphs and some minor rewording under Claim #4, after readers' feedback (thanks!)
  • April 11, 2021
    Added the “vi-user” running joke under Claim #5 in Debunking False Accusations Against Richard Stallman.
  • April 10, 2021
    Added Claim #5 “Richard Stallman is a misogynist” in Debunking False Accusations Against Richard Stallman.
  • April 9, 2021
  • April 7, 2021
    • Added a link to Bruce Peren's article on the Non-Judicical Punishment of Individuals.
    • Improved the Table of Contents for better navigation.
  • April 6, 2021